Operation Alpha Rules

Qualifier Workout - Danger Close

Heat Workout 1RFT (20min cap)
Danger Close
1000m row
40 Alternating box get overs
30 Synchro Sit Ups
20 Burpee lateral jump overs
10 Synchro hand release push ups 
500m row

The team will begin the workout standing behind a line and be given a 5-4-3-2-1 countdown before a horn will sound and the judge will start their timer. 

Teams can choose to split the 1000m row between them in any way they choose. All machines will be set to 0m, resistance setting is up to teams to decide and teams will be given time after the briefing, before the heat starts, to do so. This cannot be adjusted once time has started. Once the rower has hit 1000m this will count as 1 rep, the judge will confirm this and teams are then able to move on.Both team members must have left the rower and be present at the next station before commencing with the alternating box get overs.

The 40 Alternating box get overs must be completed in a 1-for-1 alternating pattern with partners starting on opposite sides of the box. Team members can choose to jump or step onto and off of the box, however both feet must touch the top of the box at the same time for a rep to count. Reps are counted once an individual has gone up and over the box and touched both feet down on the floor. Each team member must complete 20 full reps to move on.
Once the 40 reps are completed the team must move to the next area and begin synchro sit-ups.

The 30 synchronised sit ups must be matched at the top (elbows on knees) at the same time to count. If one partner gets to the top first they can hold the position until the 2nd member of the team meets them in the finish position. Reps are counted at the top point of each sit up. Each member of the team must complete 30 fully synchronised reps to move on. 
Once the 30 reps are completed the team must move to the next area together before beginning the burpee lateral jump overs. 

The 20 burpee lateral jump overs can be split between members however they choose. For the reps to count you must drop down until your chest is flat on the floor stand back up to full height with a straight back and perform a 2 footed lateral jump (feet leaving the floor and landing at the same time) over the marked line. Reps are counted upon completion of each successful jump over. The full 20 reps have to be completed before moving on. Once all 20 burpee lateral jump overs are complete the team can move to the next area to begin synchronised hand release push ups.

The 10 synchronised hand release push ups must be matched at the top (elbows locked, arms straight) and at the bottom (chest on floor hands off floor) at the same time to count. If one partner gets to the top or bottom first they can hold the position until the 2nd member of the team meets them in the same position. Reps are counted at the top point of each push up. Each member of the team must complete 10 fully synchronised reps to move on. Once all 10 synchronised hand release push ups are complete the team can move back to the rower for the final station.

Teams can choose to split the 500m row between them in any way they choose. All machines will be set to 0m, resistance setting is up to teams to decide before the workout begins and cannot be adjusted once timer has started. Once the rower has hit 500m this will count as 1 rep and teams are finished.

During the workout the judge will clearly signal any no rep and provide teams with a signal when they reach their final 3 reps. The judge will record the team’s times the moment the rower displays 500m’s. The team member rowing does not have to leave the rower to finish the workout. Each team’s scorecard will be passed immediately to the head judge and heat timings will be inputted into the overall leaderboard for teams to view. 

Finals - Chain Breaker

Finals workout

10min AMRAP Overhead single arm KB lunges 10/8kg
Partner must row 200m on minute 0-2-4-6-8.
At the 10min cap your score is the total number of lunges completed. 

Rest 2 minutes

10min AMRAP American KB swing 20/16kg
Partner must row 200m on minute 0-2-4-6-8.
At the 10min cap your score is the total number of snatches completed. 
Final score is total lunges & swings combined.

The final workout is split into two 10 minute AMRAPs with a 2 minute rest time in the middle. Both AMRAPs will follow the same format with a different kettlebell exercise in each. Teams will have a member sat on the rower while the other member stands alongside them with a kettlebell on the floor in front of them. Teams will be given time to set their rowers resistance before the start of the workout. Teams can change the resistance during any non-working periods on the rower. Rowers will be reset to 0m after each complete 200m NO TICK OVER DISTANCE WILL BE COUNTED.Judges will count down 3-2-1-GO and the timer will start. Upon hearing GO the team member on the rower will begin rowing while the other member waits, they cannot touch the kettlebell until cleared by the judge.When the rower displays 200m the Judge will shout ‘swap’ which is the cue for the second team member to begin the kettlebell movement. This member has the remainder of the first 2 minutes to complete as many reps as possible. When the timer hits 2 minutes the judge will shout swap again and the team member with the kettlebell must stop moving. The team member on the rower will begin another 200m row.This format repeats at 4,6 and 8 minutes with the number of kettlebell movements being completed by minute 10 being the score for that half of the workout. Each swap will be signalled by the judge and the judge will keep score of the total kettlebell reps. 

The kettlebell movement in the first half of the workout will be an overhead static forward lunge at 10/8kg. The team member performing this movement can choose when they alternate legs for lunges and the arm holding the kettlebell. Only one hand may be on the weight at any time during the work time. For the rep to count the arm must remain locked overhead while the lunge is performed. The top position of the lunge is feet side by side legs straight, the bottom position is reached when the back knee touches the floor. The rep will be counted when the forward stepping foot returns to the top position. Each completed lunge counts as 1 rep. Judges will clearly signal any no reps. Any rep completed before the rower reaches 200m or after the 2minute work section has expired will not be counted.

After 2 minutes rest team members will swap roles and begin the second workout. Teams must switch members on the rower during the 2 minute rest. The 2 minute rest period is mandatory, the team may not leave the competition floor during this time however they can be passed food/water/towels etc by a crowd member. Members of the Operation Alpha team will swap the kettlebells to the correct weights for the second part of the workout.

The kettlebell movement in the second half of the workout will be an American kettlebell swing at 20/16kg. The team member performing this movement can choose when to break with the kettlebell and rest it on the floor. Any reckless or dangerous release of the kettlebell will result in instant disqualification from the event. During the American kettlebell swing the start position will require the team member to be hinged at the hips with the kettlebell between their legs. The top position is reached when the kettlebell is above the head of the team member with their elbows behind their ears. For the reps to count the kettlebell must begin in the starting position and follow a full arc movement to the top position before returning to the start position. Reps will be counted when the kettlebell has reached the starting position. Each completed swing will count as 1 rep. Judges will clearly signal any no reps. Any rep completed before the rower reaches 200m or after the 2minute work section has expired will not be counted.

After the second workout is completed judges will total the scores from both rounds of kettlebell movements and pass score sheets to the head judge. Scores will be added to a leaderboard and 10 minutes will be given for teams to contest their results before the official winners announcements.