Fit Friend Friday - Viv & Jen

Viv & Jen are two friends who push and inspire each other, and everyone who knows them to train hard become fitter and healthier. Viv is a top 5 Spartan Elite here in SEA, Jen is incredibly talented and we’re hoping they both push for an incredible 2020 season with a ton of podiums between them.

Your name: Jenny Lam, Vivian Chen
Age: Jenny:36 - Viv: 27

How did you first get into OCR?
Jenny: I joined a couple of open races with friends for fun but eventually they stopped showing up for races that they signed up for. Then I met Vivian and she promised me she would always show up if she said she was going to. 

Vivian: I saw an ad for the Sentosa spartan race in 2018 on Instagram and decided to sign up two weeks before the race. I was totally hooked after that. 


Favorite race experience: 
Jenny: Ipoh trifecta weekend. It was a challenge I set for myself and I wanted to earn it as a birthday present to myself. 

Vivian: Ipoh super/beast weekend. I only had plans to do the Super which was the first race of the weekend. Then Jenny had to go and sign up for the trifecta so I thought I might as well do the beast as well. 

Favourite obstacle: 
Jenny: high wall

Vivian: multi-rig 

OCR must have item: 
Jenny: a bad-ass attitude

Vivian: GPS (so as not to keep getting lost during the race)


Favourite post-race snack:
Jenny: what post-race snack? Only post-race feast please 

Vivian: going to an all-you-can-eat restaurant 

Next race: 
Both: Spartan Race Singapore.. because home ground 


Workout Mantra: 
Jenny: “Today I will do what others won’t so tomorrow I can do what others can’t”. But sometimes mid-workout I become others. 

Vivian: “Keep going, keep going, keep going”

Biggest Achievement:
Jenny: made it to Spartan Lima even though I missed my flight

Vivian: qualifying twice for world champs (yet to go though!)
