Fit Friend Friday - Lester Sanidad

Lester Sanidad

At Team Grit we have known Lester for years and we even got the pleasure to train with him and Team SuperFit before we had even taken on our first Spartan race. Lester is known affectionately to his friends as Estong and his most associated emoji has got to be the monkey - his grip strength is something most of us can only wish for! Check out his full interview below.

Your name: Lester Sanidad (in the OCR community they call me Estong)

Age: 32

How did you first get in to OCR?
I found out about this OCR training class in my gym and I enrolled myself. They recommended that I try a Spartan Race, this was in November 2017. The race was the one in Bintan - held under Spartan Race Singapore. So, I signed up for the shortest course, the Sprint. I enjoyed every single obstacle, even though I needed to do lots of penalties back then. I also loved the mud and since then I've been racing regularly!

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What is your favourite race or OCR experience?
My favourite race was the Trifecta World Championship in Sparta in 2018. It was just amazing. Running in Sparta itself is a must. I totally forgot that I was competing in a race when I was there, I enjoyed every single obstacles that I passed and the camaraderie that I experienced there is something I will remember forever.

Favourite obstacle? Twister

Biggest achievement?
When I won my AG (30-35) in the SEA Series in 2018. It was my first official gold medal from Spartan Race.


OCR must have item? A good pair of socks. 

Favourite post race snack? A banana  and some whey protein.

When is your next race and why did you choose it?
The Spartan Sprint in Vietnam in February. It’ll be the first race in the 2020 SEA Series. Plus I want to be part of the inaugural race of Vietnam.

What is your workout mantra / favourite saying when things get tough?
I am STRONG. I am ME. 
