Fit Friend Friday - Lucy Matthews

Running obstacle course races since 2012, Lucy is a seasoned athlete and she kicks ass on the race course across a range of distances. From our community workouts to our WOTW we are so grateful for the positive vibes that Lucy brings and we love a good sweat fest with her. But it's not only us that she inspires, She is also an excellent role model for the younger generation that she teaches.

Your name - Lucy Mathews 

Age - 29

How did you first get in to OCR?
I used to watch my dad take part in the Tough Guy challenges when l was a little girl. When he was diagnosed with cancer back in 2012 l decided to sign up for a Tough Mudder & raise money for a Cancer foundation. Sadly l was injured a few weeks before and so took part in the Wolf Run ( OCR ) instead with my colleagues. I quickly fell in love with the sport - l take after my dad 🙄. 


What is your favourite race or OCR experience? 

Tough one because every race is so difference and unique. Spartan Races have taken me to so many amazing places where I’ve met awesome people. I honestly think that’s why l keep coming come back for more. Every race has its own experience - you can’t really compare but to choose one it might be Auckland New Zealand. 

Favourite obstacle? 

Dunk Wall...always love a muddy cool down ! 


Biggest achievement?

Tough one...I have a few 🏆 stacked in my room and came 5th in SEA Series 2018. But I’m really proud that since 2016 ( my first Elite Spartan Race) my body has remained strong and capable to take part in so many Elite races placing on average in the top 5. 

OCR must have item? 

WATER - other than a Sprint Race certainly in Asia l like to run with my running bag and water. I’ve been caught out once or twice before where the race has been SUPER hot and the water stations too far apart. Better to be safe! 


Favourite post race snack? 


When is your next race and why did you choose it? 

Sarawak in April for the first race of the SEA series

What is your workout mantra / favourite saying when things get tough?

You’ve been through harder / it’s not done untill it’s done
