Fit Friend Friday - Kirsty Marchbank

Kirsty is an established Age-Group racer from Scotland in the UK and a regular feature in a podium position both in her races and on our Workout of the week leaderboard. After a strong 2019 which included three 1st places at Spartan events we’re looking forward to seeing her have an even bigger 2020.

Name: Kirsty Marchbank

Age: 33

How did you first get into OCR?
Did my first race back in 2011 - Total Warrior with a couple of work mates just for a laugh. Been hooked ever since. 


What is your favourite race or OCR experience?
Favourite experience has to be the Spartan Trifecta World Champs in Sparta...what a place 😍 got to share the experience with my wife running together in the open,  got to go out and take in the whole experience instead of competing. Views were stunning ⛰the atmosphere at the start walking through the ancient grounds before setting off was unreal.

Favourite obstacle?
Mmmm favourite obstacle has to  be the ape hanger. Hope they bring that to the UK Spartans soon. 


Biggest Achievement?
It’s maybe not been my biggest achievement but for me it was certainly the proudest moment and makes me wanna cry every time I think about the achievement. Last year (2019) we did a Tough Mudder 5k with my sister. She is a wheel chair user encephalitis she had as a baby which left her with cerebral palsy type symptoms. We managed to get a wheel chair from a company in order to do this, made it as her challenge and raised money for the Encephalitis society. Together as a team we helped get Cheryl round the course. She did every obstacle and the support was unreal from everyone out on the course. We raised over £3000. The finish line was emotional to say the least. This trumps any achievement I’ve ever done so this is why I would like to put this as the biggest achievement.


OCR must have item?
Must have item...don’t think I have one 🤔 

Favourite post race snack?
Does the finish line beer count as post race snack 😂 being serious though usually pizza. 


When is your next race and why did you choose it?
Next race is the Spartan Stade de France Stadion in March. Booked this as I had to defer my Amsterdam Arena Stadion last July due to injury.

What is your workout mantra / favourite saying when things get gritty?
I love a brutal workout, when the going gets tough I just embrace it and keep pushing til the jobs done.
