THE 400 CHALLENGE - Free Virtual Competition

Key Submission Details:
Watch the movement standards video before attempting, no-reps will receive a time penalty.
Fill in THIS GOOGLE FORM to submit your score for Week 4.
Upload your video attempt (see details below).

As we move into a new month we wanted to bring you another exciting challenge. We know that with COVID-19 still affecting races and training that people are looking for ways to stay motivated and keep on top of their training. So, we’re here with a new competition, and this time it’s all about reps - 400 to be exact.

The challenge is simple, each week in September will bring a new exercise that you will have to complete 100 reps of as quickly as you can. Each week on Monday at 7 am (UK time) the workout will be posted on the Team Grit IG. You will have until the following Sunday at midnight (UK time) to submit your best attempt). The workouts will be posted on Monday 31st August, September 7th, 14th and 21st. The competition will close on 27th at midnight and winners will be announced on September 29th.
4 weeks, 4 exercises, 400 reps, one female, and one male winner. Winners will win £50 credit to spend on any Team Grit products/apparel.

Week 1 - 100 Air Squats For Time.
Movement Standards: Air Squats - Start in a standing position, lower yourself towards the floor by bending your knees and keeping your torso straight. Dropdown until your hamstring touches your calves and then stand back up to the starting position. (Full video can be found on our IG)

Week 2 - 100 Hand Release Push Ups For Time.
Movement Standards: Begin in your push up position, lower your body down to the floor until you are lying flat on the ground, lift your hands off the floor, and place them back down. Then raise your body back to the start position at the top of the push up (the top of the push up requires arms to be straight). You must lower and raise your body with your knees off the ground. (Full video can be found on our IG) .

Week 3 - 100 Sit Ups For Time
Movement Standards - Start by lying flat on your back with your arms folded across your chest. You must not have your feet hooked under or weighted down by any object. Raise your body off the floor until your elbows touch your knees while your thumbs stay in contact with your shoulders. Then lower yourself back down until your shoulder blades are flat on the ground. (Full video can be found on our IG) .

Week 4: 100 Burpees For Time
Movement Standards - Start in a standing position, lean forwards and place hands on the floor while simultaneously jumping the feet backwards until you are in a ‘push up’ position. Then drop the chest to the floor and raise back up into the same position. Finally jump your feet back in, stand up until your body is a straight line and jump at least 1”/2.5cm off the floor. This completes one rep. Some slight arching of the back in the top position is ok however you should always aim to be close to a straight line from toes through hips to shoulders.

How will it be scored?
Each week you will submit your workout and your time for your 100 reps will form your score for the week. Weekly scoreboards will be posted and times from each week will be added together. Your final score will be the times of your four workouts added together. The top male and female with the lowest combined time will be crowned the winners.

How do I submit my score?
Each week you will be required to complete a Google Form submission and share with us your ONE BEST VIDEO (This must be the raw, unedited, non-sped up version). Feel free to have multiple tries but please do only share your best video for judging - we will only be able to judge the first video we receive from each person.
We ask that you use the WODPROOF app to record your attempt. The app is free and will help us to give you the most accurate time for your submission.

Sharing your video
We highly recommend you use to share your video with us. It is free, easy, fast and you don’t even need to set up an account. Alternatively, you may also share it with us in an email to or share it with us on Google Drive. No other methods will be accepted.

-Attempts will only be counted if you submit your score within the given timeframe. If you do not complete one of the workouts, you will still be able to submit scores for the others but your missed workout will be given the average time for the workout for that week for your gender + 1 additional minute penalty.
- Workout videos will only be accepted if they are submitted by, Google Drive or via email in the given timeframe. Any videos submitted after the weekly deadline will not be considered in the rankings.
-Please familiarise yourself with the workout standards before attempting the WOTW. These will be posted each week alongside the workout. We reserve the right to query scores and contact participants regarding submissions. Videos will be subject to these standards and penalties will be made for non-compliance; Coach Sean’s decision is final with these.
- By submitting your video you accept to it being shared on Team Grit social media.
- Participants can join in from any location across the world and we will cover the cost of delivery of relevant prizes. Any fees incurred from country-specific taxes are not covered in the contest prize and will be up to the participant to pay.
- This is a fun competition because things are tough at the moment. Please remain integral and submit honest results.
